Chief Executive Officer, BRVM
Dr. Edoh Kossi Amenounve holds a PhD in Administration and Finance
from Laval University in Canada (1995) after an MBA (1992).
Before taking office as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Bourse
Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières (BRVM) and the Central
Depository/Settlement Bank (DC/BR) in October 2012, Dr. Edoh Kossi
Amenounve was from September 2003 to September 2012 Secretary
General of West African Monetary Union Financial Markets Authority
(AMF-UMOA). He was CEO of the DC/BR from 2012 to 2022.
Dr. Amenounve is a former Chairman of the West African Capital Markets
Integration Council (WACMIC) and former President of the African
Securities Exchanges Association (ASEA).
Since July 2021, Dr Amenounve is Member of the NASDAQ Exchange
Review Council and is considered as one of the most influential finance
specialists in Africa.